Gujarat Medical Education & Research Society

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Dr. Kiran Chandubhai Rami  (TB & Chest)

Name : Dr. Kiran Chandubhai Rami
Mobile Number :
Email ID :
Blood Group O+
Designation : Professor & Head
Department : TB & Chest
Qualification : MD
UG : MBBS 2002 Saurashtra University G-34108 26/03/2004 Gujarat Medical Council
PG : MD (TB &CHEST) 2007 Saurashtra University G-15058 11/07/2007 Gujarat Medical Council
Joining Date : 22/5/18
Total Teaching Expereince 16
Extra Details 1 :

TotalPublications (as on 30 Apr 2024:

1.     ClinicalProfile of sputum positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients with Diabetesmellitus in a Teaching hospital at Jamnagar, Gujarat. National journal of medicalresearch. 2012;2(3):309–12.

2.     Awarenessand knowledge about tuberculosis in patient of tuberculosis at GMERS MedicalCollege and Hospital Dharpur, Patan, Gujarat. Int J Med Sci Public Health.2015; 4(7): 906-909.

3.     Knowledge,attitude and practices of hookah smoking among medical students in Gujarat,India: a cross sectional study. International Journal of Advances in Medicine.397-400.

4.     Profileof patients of spontaneous pneumothorax of North Gujarat region, India: aprospective study at GMERS medical college, Dharpur-Patan. InternationalJournal of Research in Medical Sciences. 1874-1877.

5.     Relationshipbetween blood pressure and BMI: a cross sectional study among governmentemployees of Gujarat state, India. International Journal of Research in MedicalSciences. 1637-1640.

6.     Assessmentof knowledge regarding noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors amongstudents of higher secondary school: an interventional study. InternationalJournal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016;5(1):115-118

7.     Roleof CBNAAT in diagnosis of new pulmonary TB cases under RNTCP: A Retrospectiveanalysis from Ahmedabad, India. IP Indian Journal of Immunology and RespiratoryMedicine. 2019;4(4):221–3.

8.     Clinicalprofile of cases of lung malignancy- A retrospective analysis by department ofpulmonary medicine at tertiary care hospital, Sola, Ahmedabad. IP IndianJournal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine. 2021;6(1):29–32.

9.     A roleof first line- line probe assay in previously treated cases of pulmonarytuberculosis: A retrospective study. International Journal of Health andClinical Research, 4(11), 322–325.  

10.  A qualitative study of psycho social impacton Multi Drug resistant TB (MDR TB) cases: Experience from Ahmedabad city,India. Natl J Community Med 2021;12(7):209-210. 

11.  Treatment outcome of patients withisoniazid resistant tuberculosis under National Tuberculosis EliminationProgramme in Ahmedabad city: a retrospective study. International journal ofresearch in medical science. 2022 Mar; 10(3): 678-682

12.  A Prospective study of SpontaneousPneumothorax From A Tertiary Care Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. InternationalJournal of academic medicine and pharmacy. 2023;5(3): 1673-1676.

13.  A Prospective study of Chest X-ray Findingof sputum positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis patient Attending RespiratoryMedicine Department of Tertiary care Centre & Civil Hospital, SOLA. Volume– 12 | Issue - 02 | February – 2023 , 67-68

14.  A study of Role of Pleural fluid AdenosineDeaminase in the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion. Volume - 12 | Issue- 01 | January - 2023 , 56-57





Extra Details 2 :
Publication Details : 1. Patel A, Rami K, Ghanchi F. Clinical Profile of sputum positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients with Diabetes mellitus in a Teaching hospital at Jamnagar, Gujarat. National journal of medical research. 2012;2(3):309–12.
2. Patel K, Rami K, Ghanchi F. Radiological manifestations in patients of pulmonary tuberculosis with HIV. Natl J Med Res. 2012 Oct;2:420-2.
3. Rami K, Thakor N, Patel A. Awareness and knowledge about tuberculosis in patient of tuberculosis at GMERS Medical College and Hospital Dharpur, Patan, Gujarat. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2015; 4(7): 906-909.
4. Rami K, Makvana B, Thakor N. (2015). Knowledge, attitude and practices of hookah smoking among medical students in Gujarat, India: a cross sectional study. International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 397-400. 10.18203/2349-3933.ijam20151017.
5. Rami K, Damor P, Upadhyay G, Thakor N. (2015). Profile of patients of spontaneous pneumothorax of North Gujarat region, India: a prospective study at GMERS medical college, Dharpur-Patan. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 1874-1877. 10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20150294. 
6. Gadhavi R, Solanki D, Rami K, Bhagora S, Thakor N. (2015). Relationship between blood pressure and BMI: a cross sectional study among government employees of Gujarat state, India. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 1637-1640. DOI: 10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20150243. 
7. Chaudhari A, Rami K, Thakor N. Assessment of knowledge regarding noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors among students of higher secondary school: an interventional study. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016;5(1):115-118 
8. Patel M, Bhavsar K, Rami K, Vala A, Shringarpure K. Role of CBNAAT in diagnosis of new pulmonary TB cases under RNTCP: A Retrospective analysis from Ahmedabad, India. IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine. 2019;4(4):221–3.
9. Vala A, Rami K, Patel M, Bhavsar K. Clinical profile of cases of lung malignancy- A retrospective analysis by department of pulmonary medicine at tertiary care hospital, Sola, Ahmedabad. IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine. 2021;6(1):29–32.
10. Singh M, Patel M, Bhavsar K, Rami K. (2021). A role of first line- line probe assay in previously treated cases of pulmonary tuberculosis: A retrospective study. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(11), 322–325. Retrieved from
11. Sharma R, Bakshi H, Prajapoati S, Bhatti G, Mehta R, Rami K. A qualitative study of psycho social impact on Multi Drug resistant TB (MDR TB) cases: Experience from Ahmedabad city, India. Natl J Community Med 2021;12(7):209-210. DOI: 10.5455/njcm.20210607085421
12. Nagar JG, Rami KC, Patel MM,Bhavsar KM. Treatment outcomes of patients withisoniazid resistant tuberculosis under NationalTuberculosis Elimination Programme in Ahmedabadcity: a retrospective study. Int J Res Med Sci2022;10:678-82.

Conference Workshop Details :

1) Holding PFT WORKSHOP,at GMERS Medical college,sola,ahmedabad,NAPCON 2018

2) Attending NAPCON 2016 at 

Achievement Details :
Teaching Experience :
Qualification :