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Community Medicine


Overview :

Community Medicine, as a branch of medicine and a major subject of MBBS course, is concerned with health of populations. It aims to protect and promote the health and well-being of communities and populations through Primary Health Care approach. It deals with analysing and measuring the health needs of populations, their health status and then develops appropriate and technically and practically feasible strategies to prevent and control diseases and improve health of populations through Health Promotion, Health Education and Health Protection.

Training in Community Medicine aims at nurturing Primary Health Care professionals and physicians who can recognise and manage common ailments and health problems in the community near their door steps and in their community environmental milieu. The primary health care provider should have the ability and skills to identify, prioritise and manage the health problems of the community in tandem with the perception of the com-munity leaders and with their active cooperation and participation.

The community physician will be an effective leader of health team at Primary Health Care level and sound in academics, health research and leadership skills. He/She is in-strumental in development of Public Health policy, design and implement health pro-grammes, suitably modified and aligned to local needs, and then evaluate these health activities and programmes.

Being Primary Health care, physicians, they shall have the ability to practically apply knowledge and skills gained in various clinical subjects during MBBS course to treat common health problems, for the benefit of the community, by applying preventive, cura-tive, promotive, restorative and rehabilitative measures.

The MBBS course stipulates that apart from study of Community Medicine as a core subject of MBBS curriculum.

We strive to provide the highest quality of training to undergraduate and interns doctors. The highest and latest scientific knowledge is our constant goal. With the highly stimulating academic atmosphere we strive to induce the same zeal for excellence in our students.

On long-term planning, the integration of preventive and curative medicine, the evaluation of the effectiveness of services and the deployment of resources.

Underlying specialist skills in Community Medicine branch are epidemiology and management theory and practice.

F-IMNCI Training Hall
PG Research Lab

a)    Size :  59.7 sq meters

b)      Equipment

·       Different software like SPSS, Epi info, Active Epi,

·       CD/ DVDs of various national programs

·       Chemical, Analytical balance

·       Compound & dissecting microscopes

Various thermometers, hydrometers, lactometer, etc
Demonstration Room 3

  • Size : 264.88 sq meters
  • Capacity : 100
Working arrangement :

  • Seats available : Yes
  • Water supply :    Yes
  • Sinks :               Yes
  • Electric points :   Yes
  • Cupboard for storage of microscope, slides,ect : Yes
Number of Microscopes Mono ocular (10) &dissecting microscope (40)


Size : 185 + 56 sq meters (includes preparation, technician, equipment rooms & also the entrance lobby to museum).

The specimens are displayed on racks & wall.

Number of each:

·       93 models

·       158 (104 charts displayed in museum)

·       11 photographs

·       202 specimens

·       136 equipments

·       10 catalogues

Coverage of various fields in Community Medicine by charts, Models etc.

§  Environmentalsanitation

·       Water

·       Air

·       Noise,Light Radiation & ventilation

§  Nutrition

§  Occupational Health

§  Epidemiology (General & specific)

§  Biostatistics

§  Diseases : Communicable and Non-communicable

No.of catalogues of the specimens available to the students : 10 

Seatingarrangement for students :

·      Type : Chairs

·      Number : 45

Departmental Library-cum-Seminar Room

There is a separatedepartmental library.

Accommodation :

·       Size : 66.6sq meters

·      Capacity : 30-35

Number of Books in CommunityMedicine and allied subjects : 294 titles – 375 total books

List of journals : 6


Professor and Head                :        1 Room @ 26.9 sq meters

Associate Professors/s            :        2 rooms @ 18 sq meters

Asst. Professors/s                   :        3 rooms @ 16 -20 sq meters

Statistician                              :        1 room @ 30 sq meters

Epidemiologist-cum-Asst.Prof.        : 1 room @ 23sq meters

Tutors/Demonstrators/Senior Residents : 1 room @54.14 sq meters

DepartmentalOffice-cum-Clerical room      :        12sq meters  

Non-teaching staff                                    : 1 room @ 38.4sq meters

Demonstration Room

Number       2


Accommodation(of each demonstration room)


·      Size :           60.45 sq meters for each


·      Capacity :    75 each


Audio-visualequipment available:

LCD(2) & OHP (3)

Staff Information
Sr No Name Designation View
1 Dr. Rashmi Sharma Professor & Head View
2 Dr. Nikesh Agrawal Associate Professor View
3 Dr. Manish Rana Associate Professor View
4 Dr. Shailesh Prajapati Associate Professor View
5 Dr. Prakash Prajapati Assistant Professor View
6 Dr. Vaishali Mehariya Assistant Professor View
7 Dr. Gneyaa S. Bhatt Assistant Professor (RHTC In Charge) View
8 Dr. Harsh Bakshi Assistant Professor View
9 Dr. Nirav K. Bapat Assistant Professor (Stat) View
10 Dr. Brijesh Patel Tutor View
11 Dr. Sanjukumar Gajjar Tutor View
12 Dr. Parita Patel Tutor View
13 Dr Nirmika Patel Tutor View
14 Dr. Aaryesh Chandegara Junior Resident View
15 Dr Azbah Humaira Pirzada LMO (Lady Medical Officer) View
16 Dr. Roshni Dave LMO (Lady Medical Officer) View
Staff Attendance
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Subject Curriculum
About the Department & Subject teaching

Goal: The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Community Medicine is to prepare them to function as community andfirst level physicians as per CBME to create Indian Medical Graduate (IMG).

Objectives: During the training, students should acquire following competencies, knowledge and skills so that they can practicecommunity medicine after graduation.

Competencies: The undergraduate must demonstrate

·      Understanding ofthe concept of health and disease

·      Understanding of demography,population dynamics and disease burden in National and global context

·      Comprehension of principles of health economics and hospital management

·      Understanding of interventions to promote health and prevent diseases as envisioned in National and State Health Programmes.

·      Understanding of physical,social, psychological, economic and environmental determinants of health and disease.

·      Ability to recognize and manage common health problems including physical, emotional and social aspects at individual family and community level in the context of National Health Programmes.

·      Ability to Implement and monitor National Health Programmes in the primary care setting, General knowledge about Organ and Tissue donation.

·      Knowledge of maternal and child wellness as they apply to national health care priorities and programmes

·      Ability to recognize,investigate, report, plan arrange community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies.

Knowledge: At the end of the course the student shall be able

·      Explain the principles of sociology including demographic population dynamics.

·      Identify social factors related to health, disease and disability in the context of urban and rural societies.

·      Appreciate the impact of urbanization on health and disease.

·      Observe and interpret the dynamic of community behaviours

·      Describe the elements of normal psychology and social psychology.

·      Observe the principles of practice of medicine in hospital and community settings.

·      Describe the health care delivery systems including rehabilitation of the disabled in the country.

·      Describe the National Health Programmes with particular emphasis on maternal and child health programmes,family welfare planning and population control.

·      Describe the epidemiological methods and techniques.

·      Outline the demographic pattern of the country and appreciate the roles of the individuals,family,community and socio-cultural milieu in health and disease.

·      Describe the health information systems.

·      Acquire,understand, integrate,apply and manage information in context to health care problems and health care delivery system in various communities, health care settings and hospitals.

·      Describe the principles and components of primary health care, National Rural Health Mission and the national health policies to achieve the goal of "Health for all" with regards to identify the environmental, bio-waste and occupational hazards and their control.

·      Describe the importance of water and sanitation in human health.

·      Describe the principles of health economics, health administration, and health education in relation to community.

·      Critically analyse the problem(s) and apply his/her knowledge to solve the problem in holistic manner.

·      Describe and apply principles of prevention, promotion and maintenance of health.

Skills: At the end of the course, the student shall be able to –

·      Use the principles and practice of medicine in hospital and community settings and familiarization with elementary practices.

·      Use the Art of communication with patients including history taking and medico social work.

·      Use epidemiology as a scientific tool to make rational decisions relevant to community and individual patient intervention.

·      Organize healthcare services for vulnerable and disadvantages groups.

·      Organize healthcare services in case of calamities.

·      Collect, analyse,interpret and present simple community and hospital base data.

· Diagnose and manage common health problems (including communicable and non-communicable diseases) and emergencies at the individual,family and community levels keeping in mind the existing health care resources and in the context of the prevailing socio-culture beliefs.

·      Diagnose and manage common nutritional problems at the individual and community level.

·      Plan, implement and evaluate a health education Programme with skill to use simple audio-visual aids.

·  Interact with other members of the health care team and participate in the organization of health care services, health advocacy and implementation of national health programmes.

·      Perform Administrative functions at health centres

·      Observe the principles of medical ethics in the practice of his profession.


Department shall adopt an integrated approach towards other clinical disciplines, public health services, NGOs, environmental sciences, social sciences, management, hospital administration, research, impart training to enable the graduate to work at all levels of healthcare.The teaching should be aligned and integrated horizontally and vertically in order to allow the learner to understand the impact of environment, society and national health priorities as they relate to the promotion of health and prevention and cure of disease.


Teaching in Community Medicine during I professional year, II professional year & III professional year phase I as below:

Professional year



Clinical Postings



Total hours












4 Weeks





III Phase I

(III MBBS part I)



4 Weeks

20 +

10 (logbook submission)



Department: It is located on the 3rd floor in main college building and equipped with 2 demonstration rooms, 1 museum, 1 departmental library, both UG & PG research labs and office space for all teaching and non-teaching staff. Department has 3 PHCs namely Rancharda, Saijand Mokasan (all in district Gandhinagar) and UHC Ognaj (in Ahmedabad City)identified for training of medical students. Of these, Rancharda PHC has been identified and developed as RHTC. Department is also committed to improving the quality of health services in these Centres with the help of its staff including a dedicated LMO and paramedical staff, posted at RHTC and UHTC.3 CHC’s (Kalol, Dingucha & Thol) have been identified for internship training.

Training in the subject is imparted through lectures, field visits, tutorials, Small Group Learning (SGL), Self-Directed Learning (SDL),practical and demonstrations. In addition to this, department undertakes 2 community/clinical-postings (of total 8 weeks duration) during II and III Professional years phase I; where in rapid community survey, FAP visits,family/case study, IMNCI training, Problem Solving for Better Health (PSBH)projects, visits to various social, medical and health institutions, visits to PHC (RHTC), UHTC and their allied agencies are conducted, among other things. Interns posted for 12 weeks internship posting in community medicine (3 weekseach CHCs and 3 weeks inRHTC/UHTC).

Family Adoption Programme (FAP):

During the Medical UG training program, the learner should be able to:

·      Have the orientation towards primary health care    

·      Create health related awareness within the community

·      Function as a first point of contact for any health issues within the community

·      Act as a conduit between the population and relevant health care facility

·      Generate and analyse data for improving health outcomes and Evidence based clinical practices.

This is being introduced with the aim of village outreach program for MBBS students. Every students have been adopted 3 (three) families.

Numberof visits and hours of entire Family adoptionprogramme


No. of visits


1st  Prof

9 visits

27 hours

2nd  Prof

10 visits

30 hours

3rd   Prof

7 visits

16 hours + 5 hours in last visit


26 visits


Evaluation: Department has a robust system of formative and summative evaluation, which is in accordance to the National Medical Commission(NMC) and the Gujarat University. University examination will be held at the end of III professional year phase 1 along with the subjects of Forensic Medicine (from admission batch 2021 onwards). Internal evaluations are done regularly during I, II, III phase 1 Professional years; their marks are added to the marks obtained by students during university examinations as internal marks. Further we do share the feedback of these examinations with parents(especially forthose who are poorly performing).

Activities: Various activities such as observance of important public health days, multi specialties OPD, family surveys with follow up visits and other operational research; are being carried out in these centres. Department organized the State level conference for 2015 & 2022 and had active participation in hosting the Annual National Conference held in Gandhinagar in January 2016. Medical quiz for the UG students is held every year on the occasion of World Health day. We also encourage the students to apply forresearch projects under agencies like ICMR-STS. 

Monthly Teaching Schedule
Sr No Teaching Schedule Month Teaching Schedule Short Description Teaching Schedule Date Download
1 December-January 2023 First Year Small Group Teaching Schedule batch 2023 11:00 am to 1:00 pm 25/06/2024 Download
2 Oct - 2023 First Year Lecture Schedule Batch 2023 26/06/2024 Download
3 SGT Oct - 2023 First Year Small Group Teaching Schedule Date: 9/10/23 to 14/10/23 01/10/2024 Download
4 Sep - Dec 2023 First Year Teaching Schedule of Batch 2023 First Term 05/09/2024 Download
5 3rd year Batch 2021 (Batch wise) Jan - Jul 2024 Lecture ,CP & SGT schedule 3rd year Batch 2021 (Batch wise) 26/06/2024 Download
6 Internship Training Programme (28-06-24) 28/06/2024 Download
7 Internship CM Posting order (28-03-24 till 19-06-2 28/06/2024 Download
8 Internship CM Posting order (20-06-24 till 11-09-2 28/06/2024 Download
9 AETCOM 28/06/2024 Healthcare as a right 30/06/2024 Download
10 Lectures II MBBS Apr- Jun (Batch 2022) Time :1200 - 1300 hours 30/06/2024 Download
11 SGT Apr- Jun II MBBS (Batch 2022) 30/06/2024 Download
12 III MBBS (BATCH 2021) JUL-OCT 2024 LECTURE AND CP SCHEDULE 06/08/2024 Download
Students Notes
Sr No Students Notes Title
1 ICMR STS Approved projects list till date Download
Results of Examination
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Role of Honour
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Sr No Publication Title Publication Short Desc Posted Date Download
1 Evaluation of Universal Immunization Programme in Rural Tamil Nadu (Kancheepuram District) Jha Ranjit K, Gopalakrishnan S, Ajitha K, Kuberan D, Rana M, Kiran M. Indian Journal of Maternal & Child Health. 2010, 12 (3); 1-9. 24/01/2016 Download
2 Utilization of Maternal Health care Services in Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu Jha Ranjit K, Gopalakrishnan S, Ajitha K, Kuberan D, Rana M, Kiran M. Indian Journal of Maternal & Child Health. 2010, 12 (4); 1-7. 24/01/2016 Download
3 Animal Bite Management Practices: Study at Three Municipal Corporation Hospitals of Ahmedabad. Vyas S, Gupta K, Bhatt G, Tiwari H. National Journal of Community Medicine; 2010; 1 (2); 75-78 24/01/2016 Download
4 Prevalence of Clinical Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) amongst Preschool going children in Rural Areas of Kancheepuram District (Tamil Nadu) Jha Ranjit K, Gopalakrishnan S, Mohanraj K, Ajitha K, Rana M, Kumar G. Indian Journal of Maternal & Child Health. 2011, 13 (1); 1-10. 24/01/2016 Download
5 A cost analysis of deliveries conducted in various health care settings in a city of India. Vyas S, Bhatt G, Gupta K, Tiwari H. IAPSM Healthline, 2011, 2 (1); 61-64 24/01/2016 Download
6 Presentation and complications among the malaria death cases from municipal corporation hospitals & civil hospital of Ahmedabad during the year 2007. Vyas S, Bhatt G, Gupta K, Tiwari H. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2011, 4 (2); 81-85 24/01/2016 Download
7 A case study on use of modified Delphi technique for developing consensus on designing contents of a module for imparting sex education to adolescents in school, In India. Saxena D, Kumar P, Rana M, Shah H. Global Jour. Medical & Pub. Health, 2012, 1 (3); 3 – 7. 24/01/2016 Download
8 Violation of Ethics in HPV vaccination study in India. Saxena D, Rana M. Journal of Royal Society of Medicine, June 2012;105:250—262 24/01/2016 Download
9 Epidemiological study of MDR TB cases registered under RNTCP of Ahmedabad city. Bhatt G, Vyas S, Trivedi K. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis, 2012, 59 (1); 18-27 24/01/2016 Download
10 Validity and Reliability of Haemoglobin Colour Scale and its Comparison with Validity of Clinical Signs in Diagnosing Anaemia in Pregnancy. Bala DV, Vyas S, Shukla A, Tiwari H, Bhatt G, Gupta K. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2012, 18 (7); 749-54 24/01/2016 Download
11 Evaluation of National Immunization Day (NID) Activities Under Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Program (IPPI) Feb 2012 in Central Gujarat, India. Rana M, Gajjar S, Sharma R, Sinha A, Chudasama B, Kumar P. Nat. J Community Med. 2012; 3(4):720-4. 24/01/2016 Download
12 Study on validity of a rapid diagnostic test kit versus light microscopy for malaria diagnosis in Ahmedabad city, India. S. Vyas, B. Puwar, V. Patel, G. Bhatt, S. Kulkarni, M. Fancy. EMHJ, 2014; 20 (4): 236-241 24/01/2016 Download
13 Introducing Concept of Thematic Village Health and Nutrition Day in Gujarat State- An Experience towards a Step Forward. Gaonkar N, Bhatt Gneyaa, Puwar T, Vasishtha S. IAPSM Healthline, Jan - June 2014; 5 (1) : 61-65 24/01/2016 Download
14 Profile of Infant deaths: Study of Three Years’ Data at Rural Health Training Centre of AMC MET Medical College, Ahmedabad. Gneyaa Bhatt, Sheetal Vyas, Bansi Davda, Mihir Goswami, Meenal Patel. IAPSM Healthline, Jan - June 2014; 5 (1) : 49-52 24/01/2016 Download
15 Polio Eradication in India: New initiatives in sanitation Sukla P, Sharma KD, Rana M, Zaidi SHN. . Indian Jounal of Community Health. 2013; 25(1): 74-76. 24/01/2016 Download
16 Item and test analysis to identify quality multiple choice questions (MCQS) from an assessment of medical students of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Gajjar S, Sharma R, Kumar P, Rana M. Indian J Community Med 2014;39:17-20. 24/01/2016 Download
17 MR/ MMR vaccine in measles control: A case of missed opportunity. Sharma K D, Rana M. Indian J Community Med 2014;39:49-50. 24/01/2016 Download
18 A Qualitative Study on Self-Medication Practices in Urban Settings of Jamnagar, Gujarat Patel P, Solanki D, Patel N. Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(3); 38-41 24/01/2016 Download
19 Nutritional and morbidity profile of children aged 2-5 years attending Anganwadi at urban slum areas of Jamnagar city Patel P, Dindod S. IJSR; November 2013; 2(11); 385-387 24/01/2016 Download
20 Pattern of Suicidal Deaths in Females of South Gujarat Region. Pankaj P, Shailesh P, Anil P, Vishrut J, Namrata P. National Journal Of Medical Research. 2012;2 (1); 31-34 24/01/2016 Download
21 Assessment of knowledge and skills of Counselling among link workers of link Workers’ scheme for HIV/AIDS in rural areas Of Surat district. Desai B, Parmar R, Kosambiya JK, Solanky P, Prajapati S, Kantharia SL. National Journal of Community Medicine. 2012; 3(2); 348-351 24/01/2016 Download
22 Are care takers of link worker’s scheme of HIV/ AIDS knowledgeable youth? Assessment study of link workers scheme in Surat district. Parmar R, Desai B, Kosambiya JK, Solanky P, Prajapati S, Kantharia SL. NJMR; 2012; 2(2);173-175 24/01/2016 Download
23 A study on measurements and indices of human scapula at Jamnagar Medical College. Singal G, Rathod H, Patel A, Modi P, Prajapati S, Parmar R. Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(1);66-69 24/01/2016 Download
24 Ear print recognization in forensic science. Bansal A, Bansal R, Prajapati S, Prajapati P. Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(2);154-157 24/01/2016 Download
25 A cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of computer related health problems among students of information technology in various college of Surat city. Bansal A, Bansal R, Prajapati S, Prajapati P. Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(2);45-49 24/01/2016 Download
26 Study of relation between motor nerve conduction velocity and height in healthy individual. Patel A, Sanghavi S, Joshi R, Patel B, Harkhani J, Joshi S. IJBAP, 2013, 2(1), 114-117 24/01/2016 Download
27 Validation of the Vitamin A supplementation data reported under Health Management Information System by the Primary Health Centres of rural Vadodara. Patel SV, Bakshi HN, Mazumdar VS, et al. RRJoI, 2014, 4(2), 12-19 24/01/2016 Download
28 Study of services provided to beneficiaries of Chiranjeevi Yojana in urban slum of Ahmedabad city of Gujarat. Vaishali K Mehariya, Jay K Sheth, D V Bala. NJCM, 2015, Jan-March, 6(1) 24/01/2016 Download
29 Twin load of Hypertension and Diabetes aong adults Community based study from ammu & Kashmir, India Rehman S, Kadri SM, Kausar R Sharma R. Int J Res Med Sci; 2014; 2; 139-44 24/01/2016 Download
30 Validation of the Post Natal Care health data reported under Health Management Information System by the Primary Health Centres of rural Vadodara, Gujarat Patel SV, Bakshi HN, Zalavadiya D, Kotecha PV. IJCP, March 2015, 25(10), 947-57 24/01/2016 Download
31 Validation of the Immunization data reported under Health Management Information System by the Primary Health Centres of rural Vadodara, Gujarat Patel SV, Bakshi HN, Mazumdar VS, Kotecha PV. JHM, 2015, 17(2), 154-62 24/01/2016 Download
32 Immunization coverage in Rural and Urban field practice areas of a Medical College of Gujarat BHatt G, Mahariya V, Dave R, Mahavadiya M, Rana M, Sharma R, Kumar P. NJCM, 2015, 6(2), 398-404 24/01/2016 Download
33 Exploring hidden epidemic of hypertension and diabetes in catchment areas of RHTC & UHTC of GMERS Medical College, Sola, Ahmedabad through camp approach Sharma R, Bhatt G, Mahariya V, Rana M, Kumar P. Healthline, 2015, 6(2), 49-53 25/01/2016 Download
34 A study to determine factors affecting the adherence to ART among the patients attending ART centre, New Civil Hospital Surat, India Prajapati S, Kantharia SL, Verma M, Shah H, Kumar P. Int J Res Med, 2015, 4(3), 1-7 25/01/2016 Download
35 Impact Evaluation of Domains of Learning on Universal Work Precautions (UWP) Amongst Nursing Staff in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Western India Rashmi Sharma, Pradeep Kumar, Brijesh Patel, Sanju Gajjar 18/12/2018 Download
36 Evaluation of Skill-oriented Training on Enhanced Syndromic Case Management (ESCM) of Reproductive Tract Infections / Sexually Transmitted Infections (RTI/STIs) of Care Providers from Three-tier Health-care System of Gujarat Rashmi Sharma, Shailesh Prajapati, Brijesh Patel, Pradeep Kumar 18/12/2018 Download
37 Prevalence and determinants of depression among multi drug resistant (MDR) TB cases registered under national tuberculosis elimination program in Ahmedabad City Sharma R, Bakshi H, Prajapati S, Bhatt GS, Mehta R, Rami KC. Indian Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 47 Page 45-49 22/03/2006
38 List Of All Publications 17/04/2024 Download
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1 2014 World Health Day Quiz 
2 2015 RMT meet July 2015        Consultative meeting on strengtheningRMT
Student Feedback
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Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC)

Rural Health Training Center - PHC Rancharda

Department of Community Medicine GMERS Medical College, Sola

General Information:

    RHTC Rancharda in Taluka (Block) Kalol, District Gandhinagar situated at 13.7 km from Medical College Sola. It is catering 14 villages with population of 31486 in 6213 households.

   RHTC building is constructed in the premises comprising of 24 double seated rooms with toilet blocks, offices of teaching and non-teaching staff, seminar room & dining hall with kitchen with a total built-up area of 1774 sq. metres.

    It has a OPD of 40-50 patients per day and 2-3 deliveries per month. It is identified as Ayushman Aarogya Mandir (Health and Wellness Centre).

      It has 6 indoor beds (4 F, 2 M) to deal with delivery and emergency cases.


      Institutional services provided

      Outdoor medical care (OPD) and referral services to Medical College

      Indoor facility

      Maternal and Child health facility.

      Specialist services through visit of Gynecologist once a month & Lactation Counselling OPD weekly

      Designated Microscopy Centre under NTEP

      Routine lab investigations

      Health education and awareness activities.

      Interns and elective posting students training


National Health Programs

  • National Vector Borne Diseases Control Program

  • Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Program

  • RMNCHA (Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent health)

  • National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP)

  • National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP)

  • School Health Program, RBSK

  • National Program for Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases (NPNCD)

  • National Program for Control of Blindness & Visual Impairment

  • Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP)


  • National Programme for Palliative Care (NPPC)

  • National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme (NVHCP)

  • National Program for Healthcare of the Elderly (NPHCE)

  • National Rabies Control Programe (NRCP)

  • Anemia Mukt Bharat 

  • National Mental Health Program (NMHP)

  • National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP)

                                             RHTC field area: Basic Information


Nearest Health facility for Referral is GMERS Medical College, Sola, Ahmedabad at 13.7 KMs; other is Taluka Civil Hospital, Kalol at 21 KMs

S. No.




Total Population of catchment (service) area



Total no. of Households



Total no. of villages



No. of Sub centers



Anganwadi Centers


Village wise distribution of population

Sr. No.


Population (Households)

Sub centre (Pop.) (HH)



4301 (953)



(HH 1595)



1947 (342)



1212 (300)



1565 (250)



(HH 1295)



3225 (610)



1023 (194)



1469 (241)



647 (112)



(HH 1028)



1645 (349)


Vasajda (dh)

1710 (331)



1340 (236)



5018 (961)



(HH 961)



3758 (851)

Santej 2 (6384)

(HH 1334)


Santej 2

2626 (483)




6213 Households



Staff Pattern:

RHTC is staffed with Assistant professor in charge, MO, LT, pharmacist, staff nurses, male & female health assistants, medical social workers, health inspector, accountant/computer operator, driver & sweeper. It has 5 sub centers (Rancharda, Nasmed, Jethlaj, Santej, Santej 2, Vasajda) staffed by female & male health workers,22 ASHA workers.

Vehicular support: Mahindra Bolero GJ18 AM6581

Staff Details :

Staff is adequately available at Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC) as per NMC Guidelines.

Urban Health Training Centre (UHTC)

Urban Health Training Center - Ognaj


Background information

Urban Primary Health Centre, Ognaj (Gota) is identified as a UHTC (Urban Health Training Centre) ofGMERS Medical College, Sola, Ahmedabad. It is located in the north western suburbs of recently annexed areas in Ahmadabad city at a distance of 5 kilometres from Medical College Sola. Centre has a two storied construction o f392 sq meters in the open space of approximately 2000 sq meters. Now the Urban Primary Health Centre, Ognaj is renamed as Ayushman Arogya Mandir, a transformative initiative under the umbrella of Ayushman Bharat with the vision of providing comprehensive, affordable, and quality healthcare services.

Demographic profile of catchment area under UHTC (As per January, 24)







Slum Population

61, 942

Non Slum Population


Staff Structure :

Staff is adequately appointed in Urban Health Training Centre as per NMC guidelines

Facilities Available :

       Outdoor medical care Daily OPD  70-80 cases daily (Monthly 1800-2000cases).

       Routine blood & urine laboratory investigations

       Immunization services at centre

       Family planning services

       Antenatal care OPD

       Homeopathy clinic with average OPD of 20-25 patients daily

       Implementation of various National Health Program

  •  DOTS centre under NTEP

Various laboratory investigations:

  • Haemoglobin
  • Blood group
  • Peripheral smear for malarial parasites
  • Urine sugar and albumin
  • Urine pregnancy test
  • Sputum examination
  • Blood sugar (RBS, FBS, PP2BS)
  • HBsAg
  • CBC
  • SGPT
  • SGOT
  • HIV testing
  • S. Billirubin
  • S. Cholesterol
  • S.Protein
  • Covid rapid test; sample collection for RT-PCR
  • Widal test




Details of implemented National Health Programs at UHTC, Ognaj

Sr. No.




 National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme(NTEP)

DOTS centre: sputum collection and treatment centre for pulmonary, extra pulmonary , MDT TB & XDR TB


Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP)

Diseases under surveillance are weekly reported & data maintained.


National Leprosy Eradication Program

Screening and referral services for Leprosy



National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme

Active & passive surveillance and peripheral smear (Thick & thin smear) & treatment given


Niramay Camp

Screening , referral services and follow up treatment of non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension and cancer on every Friday

Maternal and Child Health programmes and services


ICDS scheme

ICDS is operating in the area through 28 AWK and catering for preschool children, women of child bearing age with a focus on pregnant/ lactating women/ adolescent girls


Universal Immunization Programme (UIP)

Routine immunization on the days of Mamata divas at centre as well as at field


Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram

Annual check-up of children from 0-18 years of age by RBSK medical team


Janani Suraksha Yojana

& Pradhanmantri Matruvandana Yojna 

Financial support is provided to APL and BPL pregnant ladies


RCH & Immunization

Mamata divas: Centre based on Monday and Friday

Community based  on Tuesday and Thursday

UIP vaccines given


Vitamin A supplementation

Children covered from 9 months - 5 years as biennial rounds by AWW


Anaemia Mukt Bharat

Screening and treatment for women and children having anaemia



Activates undertaken by department of Community Medicine at UHTC, Ognaj

       Family survey: Paramedical staff posted at UHTC are doing family survey in the catchment areas of Ognaj. Families have been surveyed and their basic socio demographic, housing and health seeking behaviour have been documented as family folders allotted to the paramedical staff.

       Intern doctor posting : Internship is a mandatory part of the 5.5 years of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). Intern doctors getting their posting of 1 week under the supervision of Department of Community Medicine of GMERS Sola to get the experience of functioning of health centre management system and practical implementation of various health programs.

       Family adoption program: The National Medical Commission (NMC) has introduced new competency based medical education (CBME) curriculum to prepare competent and skilled medical professionals. Family Adoption Program (FAP) has been introduced in August 2019to be implemented for MBBS students from 2021-22 batch as a part of CBME. Asper the program, five families must be adopted by each medical student in their first year, for whom they will monitor the general health and advice family members on health-related issues and point of seeking care, accompanying them to hospitals, and continue to follow-up until their final MBBS part one, under the guidance of faculty.

    Observance of various days in catchment areas of UHTC: To create awareness in community regarding various health related issues Departments of Community Medicine observe various days inform of video, skit, puppet show, lectures and discussion.

List of health related important Days and Weeks observe at UHTC, Ognaj

       World Cancer Day

       International adolescent Health week

       World TB day

       World health day

       World no tobacco day

       Intensified Diarrhoea control fortnight

       World Environment day

       World breastfeeding week

       National nutrition week

       World heart day

       World diabetes day

       World AIDS day